Wednesday, August 28, 2013

❖ Awatif & Hayati ❖

Thax to Awatif & Yatie.
Material : PVC Leather + Felt + Cotton Fabric

Wawa (✿◠‿◠)

Thax Wawa..  
Material : PVC Leather + Felt + Fabric Cotton 

Elmo ... Toin..toin.. 。◕‿‿◕。

Material : PVC Leather + Felt
Size : 19.5 cm x 15 cm

♒ Brooch ♒

Brooch ni di tempah oleh adik sepupu yg katenye bju raye 3 psg.. 
1 lg purple color, tp lpe la nk mek pic.. huhu 

Shahrul ♥ Daiya

Material : PVC Leather + Cotton Fabric + Felt
Size : 16cm x 8cm

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I ❤ mATHs

Material : PVC Leather + Felt

❧Indah Amyra ❧

So excited doing this little purse after 1st trial was succeed. 

                                              Material : PVC Leather + Felt + Fabric Cotton

~~ On9 cRafT shOp 4 u tO oWn aLL fABoulouS  HanDMade PuRse ~~~ 

❦ Nur Farahain ❦

This is my 1st liitle purse.. Cust seriously satisfied with it.. I was so excited with dis outcomes.
Material : PVC Leather + Felt + Fabric Cotton

~~ On9 cRafT shOp 4 u tO oWn aLL fABoulouS  HanDMade PuRse ~~~ 

Awatif ❤ Amirul

Material : PVC Leather + Felt
RM 8.00

웃 Eppy Besday Firdaus 웃

Thax Mas, cust request utk ltk pic dlm bntal so i've decided to create a simple design for her. Wording prepared by cust oke.. i x pandai mengarang ayt yg cintan2 u allz... 

~~~ various types of pillow products will be introduced ~~~

♪ Hepi Besday Dinni Azween ♫

Thax Syifaa.. Br je nk upload item ni.. Bz sesangat... (Ü)

❣ Erni Zunika ❣

Thax Erni..  
Material : Span + Felt + Fabric Cotton 
RM 18.00

Anie's Kitchen

Thax to Kak Anie. Termos ni da rosak, so cust niw  mtk utk decorate mggunakan teknik decoupage.. Theme yg sy pki ialah "Coffee & Biscuit".. Complicated  wat teknik ni utk item yg dah di guna terutama di dapo sbb item da brminyak, so amek few times to touch up n repaint. Neway, mission completed. ^_~ 
~~~~~ Still pending few items for decoupage technic ~~~~~